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This search, performed through 1.65 MB (122 documents, 13267 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 20 results.

Literature ::: Scripture & Literature Classification — 4.4%

Also Read: Literature Overview Literature Classification Sanskrit Literature is so ancient and vast that it is not possible to read and understand all in a life-time. Over thousands of years, many scholars have contributed to Sanskrit literature and scriptures. Sometimes it is not even possible to associate any specific work with a specific scholar or person. However, in this vastness lies a logical classification of the entire literature [...]

Miscellaneous ::: Quotes — 4.0%

[...] India civilization, and our ancient heritage in almost all areas including mathematics, science, literature etc. This includes famous personalities from India to great scientists, philosophers, mathematicians in Western World. Followings are few such quotes. "Without the study of Samskrit one cannot become a true Indian and a true learned man." :: Mahatma Gandhi "If I was asked what is the greatest treasure which India possesses and what is her finest heritage, I would answer unhesitatingly that it is the Samskrit language and literature [...]

Literature ::: Text & Literature Overview — 4.0%

Also Read: Literature Overview Literature Classification There is no aspect of life that has been left out in Sanskrit literature. In their compositions the ancient scholars have given life to each aspect of life. One can feel every human emotion to its limits, enjoy nature's beauty at its best, face challenges of life with valor, live a life of high moral values, live in a world of fantasy and lot more; all in Sanskrit literature and scriptures. One only needs to [...]

Literature — 3.6%

Indian Literature in Sanskrit is one of the oldest, richest and best collections in the world. Sanskrit as language is 10000 of years old. It has been our spoken language for thousands of years, and even today in some villages in India, this is the day-to-day spoken language. Similarly we have a very rich collection of literary works that are in Sanskrit. Over thousands of years we have many literature that have been written by many scholars. Literature Overview Literature [...]

Literature ::: Sanskrit Texts & Scriptures — 3.2%

There is no aspect of life that has been left out in Sanskrit literature. In their compositions the ancient scholars have given life to each aspect of life. One can feel every human emotion to its limits, enjoy nature's beauty at its best, face challenges of life with valor, live a life of high moral values, live in a world of fantasy and lot more; all in Sanskrit literature and scriptures. One only needs to read these to enjoy the sweetness of these. In this section we will introduce some of the most [...]

Literature ::: Sanskrit Books — 2.4%

[...] are few Sanskrit books that all will find useful and will give us real insight into Sanskrit literature as well as grammar. It will be very good to collect these books and add to personal library. Many Sanskrit books are also available on the internet in pdf format from . It is an excellent source of online Sanskrit books available free. Grammar & Dictionaries : The books below are very useful in learning Sanskrit ( ). Shri Madmarsingh [...]

Literature ::: Sanskrit Scholars — 2.0%

Ancient Indian literature has been blessed with many scholars. Over thousands of years many scholars have contributed to Sanskrit literature. [...]

Rough Notes - Corrections — 2.0%

[...] on page 36 written as: वषट् Sentences 30-32: I'm very confused with the translation of the verb धृ (10) धारयति. translates it as "to owe;" (retain, hold, maintain, etc.) not "to borrow". Therefore: 30. श्यामः रामाय शतं धारयति - translation should be: "Shyama owes 100 to Rāma." / He owes Rāma $. 31. अहं कस्मै किञ्चित् न धारयामि - translation should [...]

Sanskrit & Indology — 1.6%

[...] Welcome to SAMSKRUTAM Studies - the online educational portal on Sanskrit language, literature, grammar tutorial , stories, puzzles, digital text library , online test, and other resources; which anyone can refer to study "Sanskrit-and-Indic" subject. Sanskrit is the core of our Bhaaratiya (Indian) culture and knowledge. It has played the major role in everything we have today as our knowledge, culture, and values. All our major works like Vedas, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Shrimad Bhagvad Gita, etc., are composed and written in Sanskrit. [...]

Literature ::: Kathasaritasagar — 1.6%

[...] sarita saagara) (literally meaning 'Ocean Of Sea Of Stories') is an unique literary work in Sanskrit literature. It was composed by a brahmin scholar from Kashmir named Soma Deva (somadeva) around 1170 AD. Many other famous works like Arabian Nights have got inspiration from Katha Sarita Sagara . It is not surprising to find many common fairy tales in Katha Sarita Sagara . It is said that Soma Deva composed it to entertain the queen Suryamati (suryamatii), the wife of king Anantadeva (anantadeva), so that she can devote more time to worldly matters than worshipping [...]

Literature ::: Text & Scholars — 1.2%

[...] Somadeva - सोमदेवः - somadevaH Kathasaritasagara कथासरितसागरः [...]

Literature ::: Panchatantra, Hitopadesha, Jataka — 0.8%

Panchatantra (पन्चतन्त्रम् / panchatantram) stories are famous among young and adults alike all over the world. Panchatantra was written in Sanskrit in 200 BC by a great Sanskrit scholar named Vishnu Sharma . It traveled to Persia, Greece and then Europe. Since the original composition, [...]

Site Map — 0.8%

[...] Organisations Indology Websites Sanskrit Education Software Tools Miscellaneous Sanskrit2003 Font Literature Shloka / Stanzas Sanskrit Stories Text & Literature [...]

Literature ::: Sanskrit Stories (set 1) — 0.8%

Also Read: Story Index Story Set 1 Story Set 2 नृपसेवकवानर-कथा -- The King's Monkey Servant तस्माच्चिरायुरिच्छत नृपेण मूर्खोऽनुचरो न रक्षणियः । कस्यचिद्राझो नित्यं वानरोऽतिभक्तिपरोऽङ्गसेवकोऽन्तःपुरेऽप्यप्रतिषिद्ध्प्रसरोऽतिविश्वासस्थानप्रभूत् । एकदा [...]

Literature ::: Panchatantra, Hitopadesha, Jataka Katha — 0.8%

Panchatantra (पन्चतन्त्रम् / panchatantram) stories are famous among young and adults alike all over the world. Panchatantra was written in Sanskrit in 200 BC by a great Sanskrit scholar named Vishnu Sharma . It traveled to Persia, Greece and then Europe. Since the original composition, [...]

Sanskrit Stories — 0.4%

Stories: In this section you can read some of the famous stories available in Sanskrit literature. These stories have high moral and practical [...]

Grammar Tutorial ::: Basic Elements — 0.4%

[...] In Sanskrit language Devanagari Script is the mostly used script for writing. Most of the Sanskrit literature are in this script. Following is the list [...]

Miscellaneous ::: Vedic & Life Quotes — 0.4%

Vedic & Life Quotes : Sanskrit and Vedic literature is filled with quotes and stanzas for entire [...]

Digital Library ::: Searchable Text & Shloka — 0.4%

[...] ?text=geeta&match=&type=ITRANS&limit=0&segment=0&range=0;0 text : The "name of the collection"; BLANK or one from above list. type : ITRANS, SA, EN match : BLANK [...]

About Us — 0.4%

[...] technology; and aims to provide an effective source of learning and knowing Sanskrit language and literature. "Our vision is - bringing Sanskrit [...]

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