ल्युट् प्रत्यय / lyuT pratyaya (Verb As Object): In this chapter we will study the ल्युट् प्रत्यय (lyuT pratyaya). Using this प्रत्यय (pratyaya) the verb can be expressed as an object (कर्म / karma) in the sentence. This helps substituting complex verb forms with simpler alternatives. The verb "do" (कृ / kRRi) is used to express the action in the sentence. In other words - the subject, object and verb of a sentence undergoes the following transformation, when ल्युट् (lyuT) is applied to the verb.
Study the following sentences. These are using ल्युट् प्रत्यय (lyuT pratyaya).
In setences 1 to 12 the verbs "go", "sleep", "run", "donate", "read", "listen", "remember", "see", "speak" and "roam" have been substituted with their ल्यूट् (lyuT) form, converting them into object or कर्म (karma) of the setence. To represent the action or क्रिया (kriyaa) the appropriate verb form of "do" or कृ धातु (kRRi dhaatu) has been used.
In setences 4, 5, 7, 8 and 10 the words "rice", "book", "subject", "office" and "temple" are the objects. Since, the ल्युट् (lyuT) form of the verbs are used in the setences, the objects are in genitive case form instade of accusative case form.
In setences 11 and 12 the ल्युट् (lyuT) form of the words "speak" and "roam" are used as subjects. Followings are the ल्युट् प्रत्यय (lyuT pratyaya) form of few commonly used verbs.