Noun Forms Or Cases (शब्दरुप / shabdarupa): In chapter 1 we were introduced with noun (शब्द / shabda), noun-form (शब्दरुप / shabdarupa), verb (क्रिया / kriyaa) and their use. To summarise - noun or shabda (शब्द) is the word that represents someone or something in a sentence. Noun normally refers to person, place, thing, state or quality etc. A noun is the only word that can be used as the subject or object for a verb. In Sanskrit shabda (शब्द) is the base or root of all noun-forms (शब्दरुप). Each noun-form is a derivative or shabdarupa (शब्दरुप) of it's root. For example "boy" as a root can have different singular forms representing "the boy", "to the boy", "by the boy", "for/to the boy", "from the boy", "of the boy" and "in the boy". We will study noun-forms in detail. Followings are few features of noun-forms.