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This search, performed through 1.65 MB (122 documents, 13267 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 30 results.

Literature ::: Sanskrit Stories (set 1) — 10.4%

[...] Monkey Servant तस्माच्चिरायुरिच्छत नृपेण मूर्खोऽनुचरो न रक्षणियः । कस्यचिद्राझो नित्यं ानरोऽतिभक्तिपरोऽङ्गसेवकोऽन्तःपुरेऽप्यप्रतिषिद्ध्प्रसरोऽतििश्वासस्थानप्रभूत् । एकदा राझो निद्रागतस्य ानरो व्यजनं नीत्वा ायुं िदधति राझो वक्षःस्थलोपरि मक्षिकोपविष्टा । व्यजनेन मुहुर्मुहुर्निषिध्यमानापि पुनः पुनस्तश्रैथपविशति । ततस्तेन स्वभावचपलेन मूर्खेण ानरेण क्रुधेन सता तिक्ष्णं खड्गमादाय तस्या उपरि प्रहारो

Grammar Tutorial ::: Reference - Noun Forms / शब्दरूप / shabdaruupa — 10.3%

[...] उ व्यञ्जनान्त: m - च, ज, त, द, अन्, हन्, इन्, श, ष, स f - रेफ़ान्त, , श्, ष्, स n - न, इन्, अस्, इस्, उस् The noun form for each category of word is derived by adding pre-defined pattern of सुप् (sup) suffixes to the word root. All other words in that category follow the same pattern. For example - the word "boy" or बाल (baala) has a form like बालः (baalaH), बालौ (baalau), बालाः (baalaaH) and so on. The word "God" or देव (deva) is of the same category and follows the same pattern as देवः [...]

Digital Library ::: Shloka / Stanzas - Upanishad Mantra-s — 9.1%

Upanishad (उपनिषद् - upaniShad) Or ज्ञानकाण्ड (dnyaanakaaNDa) , literally meaning the "knowledge portion", are the concluding chapters of the Veda-s, which teach the philosophical essence of the entire Veda-s. If one understands these, there is nothing else to be understood in the Veda-s. The contents in Upanishad-s (उपनिषद् - upaniShad) are presented as spiritual [...]

Sanskrit Stories (set 2) — 3.2%

[...] मूर्खता ॥ स्कन्धेनापि वहेच्छत्रुं कालमासाद्य बुद्धिमान् । वहता कृष्णसर्पेण मण्डूका िनिपातिताः ॥ अस्ति वरुणाद्रिसमीपे एकस्मिन् प्रदेशे परणितवया मन्दविषो नाम कृष्णसर्पः । स एवं चित्ते सञ्जिन्तितवान् -- "कथं नाम मया सुखोपायवृत्त्या वर्तितवयम्" इति । ततो बहुमण्डूकं हृदमुपगम्याधृतिपरीतमिात्मानं दर्शितवान । अथ तथास्थिते तस्मिन्नुदकप्रान्तगतेनैकेन मण्डूकेन पृष्टः -- "माम ! किमद्य यथापूर्वमाहारार्थं न िहरसि ?" सोऽब्रवीत् -- "भद्र ! कुतो मे मन्दभाग्यस्याहाराभिलाषः ! यत्कारणम् [...]

Digital Library ::: Shloka / Stanzas - Chanakya Neeti — 3.2%

[...] more than 2000 years back. Also Read: Searchable DIGITISED Stanzas/Text (Geeta, Ramayana, Upanishad, and more.) Also Read: ● Subhasittam (Wise Sayings) ● Mantra-s ● Upanishad Mantra-s ● Peace Invocation Mantra-s ● Geeta (upcoming) ● Marriage Mantra-s ● Guru Vandana ● Chanakya Neeti िद्वत्त्वं च नृपत्वं च नैव तुल्यं कदाचन । स्वदेशे पूज्यते राजा िद्वान् सर्वत्र [...]

Literature ::: Scripture & Literature Classification — 3.1%

[...] branch of knowledge that has been left uninvestigated in the scriptures like veda-s (वेद / veda) and upanishad-s (उपनिश्जद् / upaniShad). Each branch of knowledge has been thoroughly investigated, brought to its logical undeniable conclusion and systematically documented for the benefit of entire mankind. In this section we will present our precious inheritance in its logical classification, along with brief introduction to each. Sanskrit Scripture Classification [...]

Grammar Tutorial ::: Basic Elements — 2.0%

[...] द d ध dh न n प p फ ph ब b भ bh म m य y र r ल l v श sh ष Sh स s ह h क्ष ksh ज्ञ dny All these alphabets are classified into two major groups i.e., Vowels or स्वरवर्ण (svaravarNa): Alphabets starting from अ (a) till औ (au) are the vowels. These are further classified into ह्रस्व (hrasva) and दीर्घ (diirgha). The दीर्घ (diirgha) are pronounced double the length (or time) of ह्रस्व (hrasva). ह्रस्व hrasva अ a आ aa इ i उ u ए e [...]

Digital Library ::: Shloka / Stanzas - Subhasittam (Wise Sayings) — 1.9%

[...] / chaaNakyaniiti) etc. Also Read: Searchable DIGITISED Stanzas/Text (Geeta, Ramayana, Upanishad, and more.) Also Read: ● Subhasittam (Wise Sayings) ● Mantra-s ● Upanishad Mantra-s ● Peace Invocation Mantra-s ● Geeta (upcoming) ● Marriage Mantra-s ● Guru Vandana ● Chanakya Neeti श्लोकार्धेन प्रवक्ष्यामि यदुक्तं ग्रन्थकोटिभिः । परोपकारः पुण्याय पापाय परपीडनम् ॥ What is stated by cores of volumes, I shall present [...]

Rough Notes - Corrections — 1.8%

[...] and corrected, if found applicable. 19-Nov-2020 e-mail चतुर्थी Ca se - Dative Sentence 5: कामुकः दास्या संयच्छ्ते - "The lustful person is giving money to the maid." What is given to the girl/maid? The accusative (money) seems to be missing and the verb संयच्छ्ते is in Optativ. सम्यम् according to means: restrain, repress, control, chain. That which is chained is दासी . Why is दासी in Instrumental and not in Accusative? Since the optative is used, I tried following translation: "may the lustful-one chain (by, with, trough) [...]

Grammar Tutorial ::: Instrumental Case / तृतीया विभक्ति / tRRitiiya vibhakti — 1.8%

Instrumental Case / तृतीया िभक्ति (tRRitiiya vibhakti): Instrumental Case or तृतीया िभक्ति (tRRitiiya vibhakti) of noun-form represents the instrumental form in a sentence. The answer that comes from the question "by what" or "with what" is the instrument in the sentense. The instrument is with what the subject or कर्ता (kartaa) is doing something. The instrument is independent of the number and gender of the subject or object . Study the following sentences. These are in instrumental case . आङ्ग्लभाषा / English संस्कृत / Sanskrit [...]

Digital Library ::: Shloka / Stanzas - Marriage — 1.6%

[...] ceremonies, wedding cards etc. Also Read: Searchable DIGITISED Stanzas/Text (Geeta, Ramayana, Upanishad, and more.) Also Read: ● Subhasittam (Wise Sayings) ● Mantra-s ● Upanishad Mantra-s ● Peace Invocation Mantra-s ● Geeta (upcoming) ● Marriage Mantra-s ● Guru Vandana ● Chanakya Neeti We are collecting more and more shlokas for this page. If you have some shlokas on marriage, you can share the same with us, and we will [...]

Grammar Tutorial ::: Optative Mood / विधैलिङ्लकार / vidhailiN^lakaara — 1.5%

िधैलिङ्लकार / vidhailiN^lakaara (Optative Mood - Should or May): In previous chapter we studied about imperative mood. In this chapter we will study about optative mood. िधैलिङ्लकार (vidhailiN^lakaara) verb-forms represent sentences in optative mood. So, any sentence indicating possibility of something verb-forms of िधैलिङ्लकार (vidhailiN^lakaara) should be used. The complete िधैलिङ्लकार / vidhailiN^lakaara of पठ् / paTh (read) and गम् / gam (go) धातु / dhaatu are given at [...]

Grammar Tutorial ::: Verb Form Practice (set 1) — 1.5%

[...] looks. जनकः पश्यति janakaH pashyati जनक janaka दृश् dRRish The son is going to school. पुत्रः िद्यालयं गच्छति putraH vidyaalaya.n gachchhati पुत्र putra गम् gam The horse runs. अश्वः धावति ashvaH dhaavati अश्व ashva धा् dhaav The tree bears fruit. वृक्षः फलति vRRikshaH phalati वृक्ष vRRiksha फल् phal The servant is standing. सेवकः तिष्ठति sevakaH tiShThati सेवक sevaka स्था sthaa The beggar wanders. भिक्षुकः अटति bhikshukaH aTati भिक्षुक bhikshuka अट् aT He is laughing. सः हसति saH hasati तद् (पुं) tad (pu.n) हस् [...]

Grammar Tutorial ::: Accusative Case / द्वितीया विभक्ति / dvitiiyaa vibhakti — 1.3%

Accusative Case / द्वितीया िभक्ति (dvitiiyaa vibhakti): Accusative Case or द्वितीया िभक्ति (dvitiiyaa vibhakti) of noun-form represents the "to what" or "to whom" of the sentence. In other words accusative case represents the object or कर्म (karmaa) in the sentence. Study the following sentences. These are in accusative case . आङ्ग्लभाषा / English संस्कृत / Sanskrit Notes 1. The painter is painting a portrait. चित्रकारः चित्रं लिखति chitrakaaraH chitra.n likhati In these sentences portrait (चित्र / chitra), wood (काष्ठ / kaaShTha), [...]

Grammar Tutorial ::: णत्वविधान / Natvavidhaana — 1.2%

[...] अनुस्वार (anusvaara) letters appearing before the नकार (nakaara). 2. वृक्षाणां vRRikshaaNaa.n ऋ RRi ् ऋ क्ष् आ + नाम्v RRi ksh aa + naam 3. चतुर्णाम् chaturNaam र् r च् अ त् उ र् + नाम्ch a t u r + naam 4. कृष्णः kRRiShNaH ष् Sh क् ऋ ष् + नः k RRi Sh + naH 5. नृणाम् nareNa ऋ RRi न् ऋ + नाम् n RRi + naam 6. गर्वेण itrans र् r ग र् ् ए + नg a r v e + na नकार (nakaara) and निमितम् (nimitam) are intervened by letters from स्वरवर्ण (svaravarga), कवर्ग (kavarga), पवर्ग (pavarga), ह (ha), य(ya), (va), or अनुस्वार [...]

Grammar Tutorial ::: Past Tense / क्त प्रत्यय / kta pratyaya — 1.1%

[...] धातु + क्त (लिङ्ग, वचन) dhaatu + kta (liN^ga, vachana) Comments 1. The school was gone by Rama रामेण िद्यालयः गतः ।raameNa vidyaalayaH gataH गतः = गम् + क्त (पुं, एक)gataH = gam + kta (pu.n, eka) Sentences are in passive voice (कर्मवाच्य / karmavaachya). The क्त suffixed words are following the number (वचन / vachana) and gender (लिङ्ग / liN^ga) of the objects (कर्म / karma). 2. The answers were written by the students. च्छात्रैः उत्तराणि लिखितानि ।chchhaatraiH uttaraaNi likhitaani लिखितानि = लिख् + क्त (न, बहु)likhitaani = likh + kta (na, bahu) 3. The girl was asked [...]

Literature — 1.0%

[...] Vedas, Puranas and Upanishads Rig Ved ऋग्वेद RRigveda Yajur Veda यजुर्वेद yajurveda Sama Veda सामवेद saamaveda Atharva Veda अथर्ववेद atharveda Upanisat (108) उपनिषत् (१०८) upaniShat (108) Purana (18) पुराण (१८) puraaNaa (18) Valmiki - ाल्मीकि - vaalmiiki Ramayana रामायणम् raamaayaNam [...]

Literature ::: Text & Scholars — 1.0%

[...] Rig Ved ऋग्वेद RRigveda Yajur Veda यजुर्वेद yajurveda Sama Veda सामवेद saamaveda Atharva Veda अथर्ववेद atharveda Upanisat (108) उपनिषत् (१०८) upaniShat (108) Purana (18) पुराण (१८) [...]

Grammar Tutorial ::: Ablative Case / पञ्चमी विभक्ति / paJNchamii vibhakti — 1.0%

Ablative Case / पञ्चमी िभक्ति (paJNchamii vibhakti): Ablative Case or पञ्चमी िभक्ति (paJNchamii vibhakti) of noun-form represents the "from whom/what" of the sentence. In other words ablative case represents the ablative in the sentense. Study the following sentences. These are in ablative case . आङ्ग्लभाषा / English संस्कृत / Sanskrit Notes 1. Leaf fell from the tree. वृक्षात् पर्णं/पत्रं अपतत् vRRikshaat parNa.n / patra.m apatat The words tree (वृक्ष / vRRiksha), tree (तरु / taru) and horse (अश्व / ashva) represent the source [...]

Grammar Tutorial ::: Reference - Verb Forms / धारुरूप / dhaaturuupa — 1.0%

[...] bhvaadigaNa अदादिगण - adaadigaNa जुहोत्यादिगण - juhotyaadigaNa दिादिगण - divaadigaNa स्वादिगण - svaadigaNa तुदादिगण - tudaadigaNa रुधादिगण - rudhaadigaNa तनादिगण - tanaadigaNa क्रयादिगण - krayaadigaNa चुरादिगण - churaadigaNa Following is a set of important verbs with their verb-forms along with the list of verbs of same category. Knowing these will help in deriving the verb forms of other [...]

Grammar Tutorial ::: Locative Case / सप्तमी विभक्ति / saptamii vibhakti — 0.9%

Locative Case / सप्तमी िभक्ति (saptamii vibhakti): Locative Case or सप्तमी िभक्ति (saptamii vibhakti) of noun-form represents the "where" of the sentence. In other words locative case represents the locative in the sentense. Study the following sentences. These are in locative case . आङ्ग्लभाषा / English संस्कृत / Sanskrit Notes 1. Lotuses are in the lake. कमलानि कासरे सन्ति kamalaani kaasare santi The words lake (कासर / kaasara), creeper (लता / lataa), forest अरण्य / araNya), city (नगरी / nagarii), bed (शज्या / shajyaa), land [...]

Grammar Tutorial ::: Verb As Object / ल्युट् प्रत्यय / lyuT pratyaya — 0.8%

[...] Sentence Elements Normal Form Form With ल्यूट् (lyuT) Applied Subjectकर्ताkartaa Nominative Caseप्रथमािभ्क्तिprathamaavibhakti Nominative Caseप्रथमािभ्क्तिprathamaavibhakti Objectकर्मkarma Accusative Caseद्वितीयािभक्तिdvitiiyaavibhakti Genitive Caseषष्ठीिभक्तिShaShThiivibhakti Verbक्रियाkriyaa तिपङ्तपद tipN^tapada ल्युट्प्रत्ययlyuT pratya Study the following sentences. These are using ल्युट् प्रत्यय ( lyuT pratyaya ). आङ्ग्लभाषा English संस्कृत Sanskrit Verb + lyuT Suffix [...]

Grammar Tutorial ::: Sanskrit Vocabulary — 0.8%

[...] सर्व कुशलम् All are well sarva kushalam को िशेषः ? What is the matter ? ko visheShH ? कथयतु Please say kathayatu चिराद् आगमनम् Rare visit chirad agamanam पुनः आगच्छतु Visit again punaH aagachchhatu अस्तु, नमस्कारः Well, good bye astu, namaskaarH [...]

Digital Library ::: Shloka / Stanzas - Peace Invocation Mantra-s — 0.7%

[...] fury of God and nature. Also Read: Searchable DIGITISED Stanzas/Text (Geeta, Ramayana, Upanishad, and more.) Also Read: ● Subhasittam (Wise Sayings) ● Mantra-s ● Upanishad Mantra-s ● Peace Invocation Mantra-s ● Geeta (upcoming) ● Marriage Mantra-s ● Guru Vandana ● Chanakya Neeti Followings are few such mantras for our well being in our daily life. Reciting or listening these daily will revive our inner peace and wellness. [...]

Grammar Tutorial ::: Chapters — 0.7%

[...] Past -> लङ्लकार / laN^lakaara Command -> आझयांलोट्लकार / aajhaayaa.nloTlakaara Should/May -> िधैलिङ्लकार / vidhailiN^lakaara Verb Forms - Practice Sentences 1 Chapter 4: Noun Forms (Cases) - सुवन्तपद / suvantapada (िभक्ति / vibhakti) Nominative -> प्रथमा / prathamaa Accusative -> द्वितीया / dvitiiyaa Instrumental -> तृतीया / tRRitiiya Dative -> चर्तुथी / chaturthii Ablative -> पन्चमी / panchamii Genitive -> षष्ठी / ShaShThii Locative -> सप्तमी / saptamii Vocative -> सम्बोधन / sambodhana Noun Forms [...]

Grammar Tutorial ::: Euphonic Combination / स्वरसन्धि / svarasandhi — 0.7%

[...] ekapada वर्णविभाग varNavibhaaga सन्धि sandhi Notes 1. देव deva आलयः aalayaH देवालयः devaalayaH (द् ए ् अ) + (आ ल् अ य् अः) = (द् ए ् आ ल् अ य् अः) (d e v a) + (aa l a y aH) = (d e v aa l a y aH) अ + आ = आ a + aa = aa ... 2. देव deva आलयः aalayaH देवालयः devaalayaH (द् ए ् अ) + (आ ल् अ य् अः) = (द् ए ् आ ल् अ य् अः) (d e v a) + (aa l a y aH) = (d e v aa l a y aH) अ + आ = आ a + aa = aa Grammatical Rule If the .... will take place. In words 1 to 5 ... So, ... has taken place [...]

Grammar Tutorial ::: Active Voice / कर्तृवाच्य / kartRRIvaachya — 0.6%

[...] aha.n reading पठामि / pathaami - 5. The boy is going to school बालः िद्यालयम् गच्छति baalaH vidyaalayam gachchhati The boy बालः / baalaH going गच्छति / gachchhati to school िद्यालयम् / vidyaalayam 6. I am going to school अहं िद्यालम् गच्छामि aha.n vidyaalayam gachchhami I am अहं / aha.n going गच्छामि / gachchhami to school िद्यालयम् / vidyaalayam 7. The boy is reading the [...]

Digital Library ::: Shloka / Stanzas - Mantra-s — 0.6%

[...] are declared incurable. Also Read: Searchable DIGITISED Stanzas/Text (Geeta, Ramayana, Upanishad, and more.) Also Read: ● Subhasittam (Wise Sayings) ● Mantra-s ● Upanishad Mantra-s ● Peace Invocation Mantra-s ● Geeta (upcoming) ● Marriage Mantra-s ● Guru Vandana ● Chanakya Neeti Here are few such mantras for our daily use, which can be recited in the early morning to achieve overall wellness at mental and physical [...]

Grammar Tutorial ::: Sense Of Wish / तुमुन् प्रत्यय / tumun pratyaya — 0.5%

[...] Verb + tumun धातु + तुमुन् dhaatu + tumun Comments 1. The boy goes to school to read. बालकः पठितुम् िद्यालयं गच्छति baalakaH paThitum vidyaalaya.n gachchhati पठ् + तुमुन् paTh + tumun - 2. Father wants to go to village. पिता ग्रामं गन्तुम् इच्छति pitaa graama.n gantum ichchhati गम् + तुमुन् gam + tumun 3. The girl went to school to study. बाला पठितुं िद्यालयम् अगच्छत् baalaa paThitu.n vidyaalam agachchhat पठ् + तुमुन् paTh + tumun 4. Mother wants to cook. माता क्तुम् इच्छति maataa paktum ichchhati पच् + तुमुन् pach + [...]

Grammar Tutorial ::: Past Tense / क्तवतु प्रत्यय / ktavatu pratyaya — 0.5%

[...] The verb-forms are same irrespective of the person (पुरुष / puruSha). 2. You went to school. त्वं िद्यालयं गतवान् ।tva.n vidyaalaya.n gatavaan गतवान् = गम् + क्तवतु (पुं, एक)gatavaan = gam + ktavatu (pu.n, eka) 3. He went to office. सः कार्यालयं गतवान् ।saH kaaryaalaya.n gatavaan गतवान् = गम् + क्तवतु (पुं, एक)gatavaan = gam + ktavatu (pu.n, eka) 4. The boy went home. बालकः गृहं गतवान् ।baalakaH gRRiha.n gatavaan गतवान् = गम् + क्तवतु (पुं, एक)gatavaan = gam + ktavatu (pu.n, eka) 5. Both of us went. आवां गतवन्तौ ।aavaa.n gatavantau गतवन्तौ = गम् + क्तवतु (पुं, [...]

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