Grammar Tutorial ::: Devanagari Script

Modified on 2021/02/25 18:45 by biswajitdash — Categorized as: Uncategorized

Devanagari Script is the script that we use in Sanskrit language to represent the language in writing. Almost all major works have been written in this script. To read different Sanskrit books and writings etc., we need to know Devnagari script. With this only we can understand the great works first hand, without needing a translation into another language.

The following table lists all the alphabet in Devnagari script, along with the schema that is used to write Sanskrit words using English alphabet. It will help readers in starting to read Sanskrit texts. The table has four columns.



a a a as in up, rural.
aa   aa as in father.
i i i as in fill, lily.
ii   ii as in feed, meet.
u u u as in full, bush.
uu    U   uu as in fool, tool.
RRi    R^i   r as in Chr(i)stmas, where the i is not pronounced.
RRI    R^I   r is the prolonged of r above.
LLi   l as in fl(i)p where i is not pronounced. These r, l are vowels, to be
distinguished from the consonants r(a) and l(a),
e e e as in pray, they (always long).
ai ai ai as in word I.
o o o as in go, store.
au   prolonged o as above.
aM   m as in glum.
aH   h as in the exclamation ah where the h is heard.


k k k as in come, seek.
kh kh kh as in khaki.
g g g as in girl.
gh gh gh as in aghast.
N^    ~N   n as in monkey, puncture.
ch    c c c as in chum.
chh    Ch    C ch ch as in Churchihill when it is not pronounced as two words but the
second ch is sounded with a special stress.
j j j as in jump.
jh jh jh as pronounced in jjjjhah, with a forceful expiration with hah.
JN ~n   n as in sinje.
T   t as in term.
Th   th as in putting.
D   d as in double.
Dh   dh as in adhere.
N   n as in hunting.
t t t as in path.
th th th as in third.
d d da as in that.
dh dh dh pronounced with a deep expiration.
n n n as in nut.
p p p as in punish.
ph ph ph as in impose where p is harder.
b b b as but.
bh bh bh as in abhor.
m m m as in mud.
y y y as in loyal.
r r r as in rub.
l l l as in luck.
v    w v v as in verb.
sh    S   s as in shirt.
shh    Sh   s as in sharp.
s s s as in servant.
h h h as in her.
ksh    kSh    
dny    GY    


OM    AUM    
.n    M    

Vedic Accents





0 0  
1 1  
2 2  
3 3  
4 4  
5 5  
6 6  
7 7  
8 8  
9 9  

Yuktakhsyara means combining one or more letters together to get a new word which is pronounced differently. The pronunciation becomes a combined pronunciation of combined letters.